Self’s Blossom – David Russell

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)


Self’s Blossom is a romantic novel about Selene. She is on vacation in Central America when she meets Hudson, and that is when her journey begins.

Her friend Janice is criticized when she tries to provide some advice to her, but there is more than what meets the eye with Selene. She has things in her past that tangle with her current affairs. Selene is a deep thinker and is probably considered to be a little self-obsessed.

The story has a subtle poetic literary standard to it. The main character is not as likable or, in many aspects, relatable to a woman; and that I believe sums up the reason why the story may not resonate with a lot of readers. The book is a combination of a romantic setting with the added erotic literature description with a sprinkle of a woman’s liberation.

What the book does possess is a very sweet, sensual, dreamy and romantic side to it that fiction lovers will appreciate. The work is well written and I believe it complements the genre it is relevant to. I believe the strongest aspect about this book is its world setting. Selene has so many thoughts and poetic discussion with herself that it is very easy to envision the surroundings she is in.

I recommend this book to romance readers.

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