She’s so Fine: A Samantha Block Novel- Jaimee Campbell

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)

She’s so Fine is a thriller  short story written  about Samantha. She is a mother of two children and appears to be leading a normal life with ordinary routine wifely chores. However, she is nothing but ordinary. Samantha has a past, which intertwines with her present life. The past is something she does not want to confront but, as life always comes to bite you back, it captures Samantha and she has no choice but to face it.

In a world where you give some – get some, Samantha is then left with juggling between the aftermath of the choices she makes. Her two daughters and husband, Mark, welcome another girl into their lives after a suspicious fire kills the girl’s mother. The fight for guardianship is another battle Samantha has to face. She has to tell her husband about everything that has happened in order to save the marriage. Other encounters and dramas unravel, causing a drift into her marriage, making this is a constant thrilling novel that you really don’t wish to put down.

I found the book to be written very well. I particularly enjoyed Mark and his interactions with Samantha. The character development was spot on. Each had their own visions and ways of dealing with things. The chapters were short, and some had the same number as in the Kindle version I was given. I found little editing issues or any major structural formatting concerns, which was nice.

The author has a very appealing way of writing thriller novels. The book did not spend much time in descriptive page fillers or fluffy women insights and emotions; it was instead filled with action and active occurrences, making it a joy to read.

I recommended this book to anyone who enjoys mystery thriller themed stories.

(The original review was posted on “Review Tales – A Personal & Sincere Review On Books Read“)

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