Someone Must Die – Sharon Potts

(Reviewed by Ishita RC)


Aubrey Lynd has always lived her life in blessed ignorance, clinging to the illusion of a protective bubble wrap. And then, her nephew is kidnapped from the middle of a carnival while he was with his grandmother and her mother, Diana Lynd. With the notion that her family comes first, she decides to make a trip back home. But as the clock ticks, her dysfunctional family starts appearing stranger than what she believed. Secrets start unraveling that make her start questioning how far can morality go, especially when lives are at stake?

Someone Must Die is one of those books that have to be read simply because the story is so damn good. The plot is brilliant and the narrative style helps to carry it to success. The characters are well built and play their roles brilliantly and as you progress through the book you can see how there is no wastage of character in the story line.

Everything complements each other in this book; the plot, the characters, the style of narration, the title, the cover image. What I didn’t like was the fact that the moments of flashbacks experienced by the characters were lost in narration; if they had been italicised, it would have been easier as a reader to get more involved in the book.

Someone Must Die is a pretty damn good book to recommend further. Definitely interesting!

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