The Watcher – Eli Carros

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)


The Watcher is a crime fiction story written about Chief Inspector Jack Grayson and his journey, hunting a serial killer terrorizing London. The killer attacks blond girls, cuts their throats and then leaves behind a necklace with their birthstone. Jack really tries hard to find any lead or connection to find the killer, but this murder mystery is not to be an easy one.

From the start of the book, the author grabs your attention and engages you with his excellent style of writing and a suspenseful, well-written plot. The literary standard is of high quality, which happens to be very important in writing a thriller. The paragraphs are well connected, and the chapters move along at a pace that keeps your mind thinking.

I believe the fact that you really cannot guess who the murderer is, makes this book a must-read. The built-up anticipation was not annoying, and it was like we were fed breadcrumbs throughout the book but never caught on with the big reveal; that is excellent writing. The author deliciously demonstrations what happens when sexual obsession and abuse meets crime and just plain crazy.

The lead character’s personality was relatable, and the story did develop to create an opportunity to bond with the protagonist. I see great potential in this author and look forward to reading more of his work.

I recommend this book to thriller, suspense fiction, and mystery readers.

(The original review was posted on “Review Tales – A Personal & Sincere Review On Books Read“)

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