Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Can I submit my book for review?

A. Yes, but if we don’t like it from the beginning, we won’t read it. If we get through it and are disappointed, we won’t publish a review of it. However, if we don’t like the ending, but feel that the journey more than makes up for the lousy finish, we might publish a review.

Q. How do I submit my book?

A.  Send your inquiries to jdj@underratedreads.com. Include a brief synopsis, page count, book formats available for review and any links (website, Amazon).  We will then forward your request to our staff of  wonderful (and unpaid) reviewers to see who is interested in reading and possibly reviewing your book.

Q. Do you review all genres?

A. We currently do not review children’s or young adult books. Other than those, all genres are welcome for submission.

Q. How do you get through all of these books?

A. We only read ones that grab us from the beginning.  If we start to fall asleep, then we dump them.  In other words, we only publish reviews of books that we think are worth your time and money.

Q. Why don’t you publish negative reviews?

A. Since the books that we review are what we consider to be “underrated reads”, we strive to uphold that standard.  We don’t want to waste our readers’ time perusing reviews of books that they probably wouldn’t read in the first place.

Q. Isn’t that pretty subjective?

A. Yes, but that is the nature of a review.  That’s not to say that if we don’t publish a review, that it isn’t good.  It’s just one person’s opinion.

Q. I  just finished  reading a captivating, magnificent work of literature.  Can I submit a review?

A. No. We’re trying to keep this website honest and don’t want to risk the possibility that maybe you’re just trying to impress that “captivating” girl in your office who just happened to write the above mentioned book in her spare time.

Q. Won’t you even consider this book?

A. Sure. Contact us with the title and author.  We’ll try to look into it.

Q. My intentions are honorable.  How can I review for your site?

A. If you really want to be part of this discovery process, please complete a contact form. We’ll get back to you and request writing samples.  We don’t open attachments, so provide us the URL or paste it to the body of the email.  We’ll let you know whether we think you’d really want to work with this eccentric and moody bunch.  If it looks like a match, we’ll send you our guidelines along with a list of books that you can choose from.

Q. How much will I get paid?

A. Nada.  Unfortunately we can’t afford to pay contributors as we’re just a small website and make very little money.

Q. Then what will I get out of this?

A. You’ll get a byline, bio, and contact information. You’ll also retain all rights to your work.  That means you are free to submit your review elsewhere after we publish it here.  Most of all, you’ll be part of this search team whose purpose is to discover underrated books and share them with the rest of the world.

More questions? Contact  us at jdj@underratedreads.com.

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