200 Letters – Amy Watkins

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)

200 Letters is a romance novel written about Angela and Ethan. Angela comes from an abusive relationship that was causing great misery. Ethan is unhappily married, working at the same office as Angela. They meet, and a connection happens between them, causing persevering issues. The dynamic of the relationship and the choices they have to make then become the story at hand.

The story begins with providing a good solid background about the individual characters’ lives. The foundation and the unanswered storylines then get placed together, creating a very well-written story about forgiveness, love, trust and coming-of-age.

I particularly enjoyed Angela’s character. Everything about her was endearing. It was hard not to want her to find the best possible outcome, and the author did an excellent job crafting that connection between the reader and the protagonist.

The literature had a steady pace to it, and everything was built up until the end, providing a satisfying ending. There was a spiritual aspect of the story, which was not preachy but provided the message that God is always nearby even when we think we are alone.

I would recommend this story to anyone who likes to read fiction, romance and       coming-of-age stories.

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