Enjoy Me Among My Ruins – Juniper Fitzgerald

(Reviewed by JD Jung)


“After a divorce and a doctorate, a global pandemic and a murder, after a smattering of death threats, a lot of books, and even more booze, I found myself offering up my past with a kind of addict’s dissociation. “

Juniper Fitzgerald became pregnant while in graduate school and working as a sex worker in Las Vegas. She expresses her guilt to her daughter,” As I attempt to piece together this book, I am falling apart before your very eyes.” However, even without this confession, her painful feelings are expressed poignantly in this book.

Enjoy Me Among My Ruins takes the memoir genre and turns it on its head. Fitzgerald takes certain admitted liberties that enhance the book. She explains her teenage years growing up in the Midwest in the form of letters to her idol, Gillian Anderson. This non-linear story flashes back and forth between these letters and her life as a sex worker.

Fitzgerald writes in beautiful prose, against the backdrop of explicit gritty realness. She acknowledges the contradictions in life and emotions. While she refuses to be a victim, she exposes the difficult reality of a sex worker’s ability to just simply survive.

Enjoy Me Among My Ruins serves as an eye-opener, exposing readers to a life that they may have not encountered before. This short memoir will keep you engrossed throughout her journey.

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