Skinny and Super Skinny Reads

(by JD Jung)

Want to read something short and sweet or maybe something short and not-so-sweet? Do you have a friend who claims that he/she doesn’t have the time to read? Or maybe you want to learn about an event or topic in history; but how are you going to find the time?

We at UnderratedReads have your back. Check out our new category, “Skinny Reads” located in the crazy area on the right-hand side of the site. These are books typically under 150 pages. You’ll even find some as skinny as fifty pages! Don’t worry, they’ll still follow UnderratedReads’ high standards of deserving at least three bookmarks


by at least one of our reviewers.

Here are just a few of our top recommendations:

Mygale – Thierry Jonquet ,Translated from the French by Donald Nicholson-Smith, (Dark and bizarre and my personal favorite!)

Dreams of Heaven – Elizabeth M. Herrera (reviewed by Pat Luboff)

The Butcher’s Daughter: A Memoir – Florence Grende (reviewed by Judy Deutch)

The Black Spider – Jeremias Gotthelf, Translated from the German by Susan Bernofsky, (reviewed by JD Jung)

The Hideout – Egon Hostovsky, Translated from the Czech by Fern Long (reviewed by JD Jung)

…and there’s more to come. Enjoy and keep reading!

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