Hour of the Jackals: A fast paced, gripping thriller full of action and suspense – Emil Eugensen

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)


Hour of the Jackals is a postmodern paranormal story that takes place over a sequence of seven days during which an international conspiracy tries to destroy the European Union and take power over the US, China, and Russia.

The superweapon is a TV hypnotist inserted into the Soviet population. The effects of it turn people into manically enthusiastic soldiers.

The story introduces multiple people in the story and countless plots on the side, creating a multilayered tale. The book also beholds a romantic encounter between two of the characters, which I found very interesting. The literature is written well and has a steady pace to it. It was thrilling to read and kept me wanting to know how it’s all going to end.

The author has the potential to write good stories, and I look forward to reading more from him.

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