The Unlikely Occultist: A Biographical Novel of Alice A. Bailey – Isobel Blackthorn

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)

In The Unlikely Occultist the author uses historical references and records in order to write a fictional tale about Alice’s life. A few characters are invented and fabricated in order to produce a beautiful narrative.  However she stays true to Alice’s personality and character teachings.

The story is written in two parts and I believe has a very nice flow to it. I had never heard of Alice before, so to me, she was just as fictional as the other characters. However, after reading the book, I realized that the author had filled all the gaps of what once was uncertain about Alice.

The literature was stunningly written. Alice’s story and life were not easy. Raising three children alone after separating from her husband was truly delicately transcribed. What did exist was a blend of realness and fiction, which at times, made it inseparable.

The female lead and character were portrayed as strong and inspirational. Alice was a woman ahead of her time and era. I found the book very enjoyable to read. I recommend The Unlikely Occultist to historical fiction readers.

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