Why it takes us so long to post new content…

(JD Jung)

Dear readers,

Yes, we realize that content is king.  And we know that you want to see it all the time.

That’s the problem.  There is so much out there to get our eyes on. We are constantly reading, searching for those literary gems to share with you.  Unfortunately most of them don’t meet UnderratedReads’ standards of at least “highly recommended.”

For our authors/publicists/publishers: If one of our reviewers can’t “get into” a book by the first few chapters, I instruct them to put it aside…for good.  Please remember this when you submit a request and we agree to “read and possibly review your book”.

You may find a book that you consider to be a real find, whereas another reader may be struggling to get quarter a way through the book. We know it’s all subjective and our staff of reviewers realize that too.

Most of us have day jobs and this is an unpaid passion.  We, like you, still have to pay the bills.

So, even if you don’t see anything new for awhile, that doesn’t mean we’re asleep.  It means that we’re still looking for great content to share with you.  Please be patient.

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