Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight: The Six-Week Total-Life Slim Down – Peter Walsh

(Reviewed by JD Jung)

“Here’s an essential truth about clutter: It seems to gather on its own without any involvement from you. Thousands of pounds of it can fill the spaces and cover the surfaces within your home, yet you don’t recall expending any effort to make it happen…The same tends to be true with weight…

Both can interfere with the peace and calm that should fill your mind, and both can impede the way you live day to day.
Neither form of clutter will go away as easily as it was gathered…”
Personally, I have the weight thing under control (and it takes constant commitment), but as far as the clutter in my home goes, well, that’s a different story. Unfortunately, I haven’t seemed to totally commit to that yet.

Though I may not be typical, “clutter organizer” Peter Walsh claims that studies show that people with cluttered homes are 77% more likely to be overweight.

Whether you’re experiencing one or both of these conditions, Walsh’s Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight: The Six-Week Total-Life Slim Down, may just be the motivation that you need.

What drew me to the book was the six week, step- by- step plan. I knew that I would need my hand held throughout this process. Though each week focuses on a different area of the house, specific mindset adjustments are constant. You are to create a vision for your rooms, and identify “malignant” items.
So what if there are others in your household that won’t let go of the clutter? You may even feel sabotaged. How are you supposed to create a serene environment in spite of this? Walsh addresses this issue in detail.

There is also a blueprint for losing and maintaining a healthy weight, incorporating food, exercise, sleep and mental outlook. He doesn’t use the word “diet” since this is really a life-long commitment. The same holds true for keeping clutter out of your home. It goes beyond the six weeks.

Will I be able to stay on the maintenance program? I’m still in the six -week period, so only time will tell. What I do know is that Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight will continue to provide the motivation and steps to lead a clutter-free life.

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