Proof of Virtue – Leila Snow

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)


Proof of Virtue is a romance novel written about Emma, a beautiful woman who is left with her brother and sister after her parents pass away. The story is set in the Victorian era where Emma has to work in order to survive and take care of her siblings. What then transpires is the hardship she suffers as she finds work in a workhouse and has to battle the interest of Edward, the owner of the textile mill.

What I found most interesting about the story-line was that pure love spikes between a special someone and both prospects have to oversee the circumstances in order to learn the truth and to love. Shakespeare’s quote of “In struggling with misfortune lies the true proof of virtue.” was much justified in this tale and since the classical style of writing almost resembled the good old-fashioned Pride & Prejudice, I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

Imagine being left alone with two other children at a young age, and having the responsibility of taking care of them in sickness and health while you fight the social norms of the old days. Emma’s character and personality were created with much care, and it was effortless to feel for the young women. The world setting was dark and cruel. I would have preferred a much stronger hero for the story; however, what did exist was a true tale of various emotions and the darker side of life.

The literature was beautiful to read, and I believe the author has potential to create great work. I would recommend this book with the slight notification of the fact that it does contain strong material.

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