Bella Toscana – Nanette Littlestone

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)


Bella Toscana is a contemporary novel written about a woman who decides to take a trip to the beautiful land of Italy. As a married woman, she meets professor Flynn and that is when she begins to question everything about herself and her feelings.

Toscana’s passion is cooking. Her business is failing, and she needs to do something to change the tables around favoring her situation.

The picturesque descriptive nature of the literature takes you away to Tuscany and Rome. The author portrays an emotional and an unsuspected story that has the reader intrigued up until the end. The choices are hard, and the emotions invested in the story are felt. I simply connected to the purity of the words and found them enchanting.

In addition, I loved the original voice and refreshing inventiveness of the storyline. I enjoyed the cover of the book and felt that it represented the content very well. This is a love story and I would recommend the book to woman fiction readers and people who are interested in romance.

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