The Clinton emails, again?

(Reviewed by JD Jung)

Just when you thought that U.S. politics couldn’t get any crazier, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) blocked a vote in the Senate in favor of a resolution that would demand the public release of the Mueller report. He’s holding it hostage unless there is a special counsel assigned to look into the potential abuses in the investigation of the Clinton emails.

You may ask, “But wait!  Who cares about the emails?  Wasn’t the whole issue put to rest and didn’t Clinton lose the election anyway?  And, didn’t then FBI Director James Comey help to hand over the election to Trump by announcing to the public right before the election that she and the emails were under investigation?”

Unfortunately dear reader, you are correct.  (BTW look at where that got Comey…a lucrative book deal!) This is just one more example of wasteful Republican spending of taxpayer dollars. Add that to Trump’s request for billions to fund  that damn border wall. A wall with the sole purpose of keeping desperate Central American refugees, and in fact all brown people, out of our country.

So we at UnderratedReads want to help Sen. Graham  with the investigation and  save American taxpayers loads of money.  In April 2016 we posted a review of the 2015  book The Deleted E-Mails of Hillary Clinton: A Parody. Here is an excerpt from the book and a summary of the review:

“We are holding a heavily sedated Beyoncé in the State Department bunker as she undergoes some reeducation exercises. Once we have her fully convinced that it is in everyone’s best interests that she concentrates on music instead of global domination, we will release her…”

So you want to know what  emails were sent  by Secretary Clinton on her personal email account that could threaten our national security? Well, worry no more. WikiLoox  hacked into her private server and recovered these deleted emails….and they are shocking!

From the above entry to global gossip to her infatuation with Prince as well an obsession with “Call of Duty: Black Ops Fighting Nazi Zombies”, John Moe has created a series of hilarious emails separated  by year and entered chronologically, 2009 through February 2013.”

There are a lot of Pantsuit emails interspersed throughout the book, as she’s always trying to find the perfect pantsuit for that special diplomatic occasion.

I enjoyed the ones to her long-time aide (and wife of former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner), Huma Abedin. However, I wish there were more on her response to his sexting scandal, and more of the love letters from Vladimir Putin. (Hey, I told you they were shocking!)

I was hesitant to agree to review this book since I was afraid that the book would reflect an unfair  blanket condemnation of the Obama administration. However, the book is rather apolitical. Former  President Obama exhibits his usual demeanor, as  “the only adult in the room” and his responses serve as a balance to the brash and impulsive email responses of everyone else in the book. Readers shouldn’t get offended unless they’re huge fans of Sarah Palin.

So no matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on: conservative or progressive, The Deleted E-mails of Hillary Clinton – A Parody will provide laughs and a welcome diversion from  the political mess that our country is facing.  Also, I’m sure they’re a lot more interesting than the real ones. There you go, Senator Graham.

If you want to read the original, complete review, click here.

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