Instant Pot, please, make my day! – A.J. May

(reviewed by JD Jung)

On the last Cyber Monday, I found an Instant Pot on sale at over 50% off. This appliance was totally off my radar. but at that price, with its rave reviews, I just had to get one. Upon receiving it and opening up the instructions, I felt so intimidated, that I immediately put this contraption and all the paperwork back in the box. Too many buttons, too complicated. I would have to look at cooking with it at a later date.

So when I had a chance to review Instant Pot, please, make my day!, I decided that it was time to take that thing out of the box again. Needless to say, I am so glad I did.

This book gave me more concise, easy-to-understand and thorough explanations than the instruction manual or even the internet did. There were even tips that were not in the manufacturer’s booklet.

After cooking complicated dishes for so many years, I now go for simplicity: minimal time and minimal ingredients. The recipes from this book that I tried are just that, but packed with flavor. The photography is gorgeous which makes the food look enticing. Nutritional information is included with every recipe, which is important to me. At over one hundred varied recipes, there is something for everyone. Because of COVID-19, there has been a run on even basic ingredients at the grocery store, so when this situation changes, I plan to try even more of the recipes.

If you don’t currently own an Instant Pot, the author gives convincing reasons to get one including recommendations on features and models based on your needs.

For me, Instant Pot, please, make my day! gave me the confidence to cook with an Instant Pot and I intend to keep it close by for reference.

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