Job 2.0: God and Lucifer battle again for a single soul – Del Staecker

(Reviewed by JD Jung)


“God really liked Lucifer, despite the bad jokes, the rancorous departure, all the efforts to misdirect humankind, and even his plan to take over Heaven. But God did not want to encourage Lucifer’s bad behavior. God still had hopes for Lucifer. “

Still,  God accepted his  challenge.  Lucifer would  persuade  a man, hand- picked by him, to go over to his evil side. The target, Jake, aka Job #2,  is a content, “ordinary” man with a family and a middle-income job. In this “game”, Lucifer wreaks havoc on Jake’s life and family  with devastating consequences.  It’s not heavy; it’s actually comical. Lucifer will win, if in the end, Jake denounces God.

I admit I am not a religious person. I believe in a benevolent higher being, though I don’t have  answers to my many questions. I also admit that I have major issues with organized religion, which I won’t get into right now.

That said, I found Del Staecker’s Job 2.0 to be humorous and inspirational. He gives a human, though all-knowing personality to God to make him/her more relatable. It’s the farthest thing from preachy and I think that even agnostics will enjoy this fun, uplifting story. Hey, it even penetrated my deep, cynical skull and heart.

At only seventy-six pages, you have nothing to lose. You may just even  feel  better about life, too.

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