Life is a Test: Real Beliefs by Ryan Bey – Ryan Bey

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)

Life is a Test reads like a self-help book written with the intent on providing an insightful look towards living and existence.

It is apparent that the author is determined to have an impact on the way people see themselves and question why they are here in their human form.

He mentions that those who do not question their existence are practicing escapism and have a submissive nature. However, his intent is to perceive matters differently and to ask the questions most don’t really bother to ask. I believe he succeeds in this.

The book mostly revolves around religion and comparisons between Christianity and Islam. I believe the author’s background influenced this notion. I enjoyed the philosophical debates he has with the two religions. For example, he discusses the Abrahamic religions and mentions that religion consisted of ideas produced by people in order to give guidance within a setting whereby nobody knew why it existed as part of the human race.

However, the writing style does not have a flow to it. It feels broken at times and not as connected. I believe it is due to the spaces and single sentences that are embedded in the content.

What is apparent is the author’s understanding and evaluation of religion, life, existence and source of nature.

I would recommend this book to people who are interested in religion and who wish to learn and read material that is “out of the box”.

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