The Art of Fully Living: 1 Man. 10 Years. 100 Life Goals Around the World – Tal Gur

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)

Tal Gur is a man who aims to live life to the fullest, and wants to help others do the same. He expresses this sentiment in his memoir/self-help book, The Art of Fully Living .

The goal is clear, but appears not to be as simple as you may think. Gur uses his life experiences in order to prove that such a way of living is possible. I found this description to be the best way to explaining what the book is about:

“The very structure of this book models Tal’s immersive approach to goal-driven living: each chapter of The Art of Fully Living is dedicated to a year of focus—socializing, fitness, freedom, contribution, love, adventure, wealth, relationship, spirituality, and creativity—and follows Tal’s endeavors as he works toward fulfilling 100 life goals in only 10 years.”

Ways to achieve your goals or to live happily seems to be trending in the book industry these days. What I believe makes this book different is that he set a number of goals he had and they weren’t all big ones either. He attempted to turn passion into a living, and instead of complicating things, he simplified them. For example he went to Australia to learn English and left everything behind to travel the world and become independent. You would think that setting one hundred goals would be a lot, but since he applied the things I mentioned, it did not appear to be as hard as it originally made me feel.

Gur writes in a caring and upbeat tone. He also manages to convince the reader that the journey is doable.

Although the book is set as a memoir, I believe it is more of a self-help and well- being book. I recommend it to people that wish to make a change in the way they live.

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