Adventure by Chicken Bus: An Unschooling Odyssey through Central America – Janet LoSole

(Reviewed by Jeyran Main)

Adventure by Chicken Bus is a travelogue written about a family who sold everything and went on a road trip through Central America between 2005- 2007. Janet and Lloyd have a plan, and they take their two children on what they call chicken busses, which were the ex-North American yellow school busses on this uncomfortable yet humorous journey. Janet and Lloyd know their way and have experience; however, the additional, uncalculated part is traveling with children.

The literature was witty and enjoyable to read. The travelogue/memoir relished on the notion of how a family could truly function on a journey regardless of how little they were in control. I appreciated the fact they wanted to relax and spend some time together. As we all know, life as a family, paying bills, and working all the time can be challenging.

On top of everything else it was nice to learn a thing or two about Mayan Riviera, border crossings, temples, and the history of the civil war in Nicaragua.

I believe what stood out in the book was the dialogue, relationship, and family members’ back and forth conversations. The added description of the lands and scenery was also a bonus. I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read memoirs and family-style stories

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